Garon Wyatt conducts public safety background checks and workplace investigations with over 30 years of experience in Public Safety

Garon Wyatt conducts public safety background checks and workplace investigations with over 30 years of experience in Public Safety

About Garon Wyatt

Garon Wyatt Portrait

Garon Wyatt has been conducting public safety background checks and workplace investigations since May 2017. Mr. Wyatt previously spent 30 years in Public Safety. He is keenly aware of the ongoing need to maintain public trust and the role that thorough independent investigations into allegations of misconduct play in maintaining this trust.

Mr. Wyatt has worked with all levels of city staff, elected officials, and legal counsel, and develops collaborative working relationships. He has a great deal of experience working within the guidelines of departmental policies and procedures, employee handbooks, memorandums of understanding, and the police and firefighter Bill of Rights.

Mr. Wyatt has considerable knowledge and training in criminal investigations and workplace investigations. He has accumulated over 200 hours of training in criminal and administrative investigative techniques.

Awards & Recognition

  • Investigative Excellence Award

    California Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST)

  • Professional Service Award

    International Association of Law Enforcement Analysts

  • Excellence in Criminal Investigation

    International Association of Chiefs of Police

  • Commendation for Exemplary Service

    Orange County District Attorney

Maintaining Organizational Values Through Quality Investigations


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Service goals include providing clients with:

  • A work product that is detailed and professionally organized
  • Investigations completed with confidentiality and with respect of privacy 
  • Well-written reports that are unbiased, comprehensive, and fully address all alleged misconduct as detailed in the scope of investigation
  • Investigations that are completed in a timely manner and in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws
PI License #188115 - © Copyright - Garon Wyatt Investigative Services, LLC